This page describes the contributors to the UniTiAgUniversal Ticketing Agent is a model of open-loop public transit ticketing using card-not-present transactions for fare acquiring. More open-loopOpen-loop card is a payment card that can be accepted in many places, such as Visa card, Mastercard card, etc. Open-loop ticketing system allows fare payments with open-loop cards. More ticketing concept, model, and implementation, including OTRBOpen-to-Ride Balance is an e-wallet monetary value for ticketing purposes, associated with a contactless token, shared between Transit Agencies. It can be pre-authorized, prepaid, postpaid, or a combination of thereof. More concept and SaaSSoftware as a Service More APIs.
Our approach is rooted in a concept developed by Eugene Lishak, first outlined in U.S. Patent US-8954344-B2.
With the help of Payments Consulting Network, this concept has evolved into what we now call UniTiAg and OTRB. We are proud to have recently collaborated with Payments Consulting Network to publicize the UniTiAg open-loop ticketing model and present it to the Payments industry.
This site is focused on the business architecture, implementation, and technological details of UniTiAgUniversal Ticketing Agent is a model of open-loop public transit ticketing using card-not-present transactions for fare acquiring. More SaaSSoftware as a Service More. It has accumulated over 30 years of experience in business analysis within the fintech, payments, and ticketing business domains. This extensive experience has allowed us to develop a deep understanding of these industries and to create innovative solutions that meet the needs of its customers. See more about our experience here.
All content on this site, as well as UniTiAgUniversal Ticketing Agent is a model of open-loop public transit ticketing using card-not-present transactions for fare acquiring. More SaaSSoftware as a Service More software, configurations, settings, APIs, and documentation is created and copyrighted by Lifecycle Integrity Inc.
References to Payments Consulting Network intellectual property is provided in the context.
Thank you for visiting our site and learning more about our innovative approach to public transit fare collection. We hope you find our content informative and engaging.