We developed an Android UniTiAgUniversal Ticketing Agent is a model of open-loop public transit ticketing using card-not-present transactions for fare acquiring. More ValidatorValidator is a device with contactless card reader, registering card taps and validating access to the transit services. It is not a point of sale in UniTiAg model. More simulation app that reacts to contactless card taps and implements both TAA transit operator or an agency representing several transit operators. The TA acts as a merchant from the UniTiAg’s standpoint. More and TANBA Transit Agency API that gives access to a Transit Agency Ticketing System to its targeted OTRB data replica at the Regional UniTiAg Host. More APIs.
The app is available on the Google Play Store, but currently for internal testing only. This ensures that APIApplication Program Interface More credentials remain secure.
If you’d like access, please contact us to be added to the list of internal testers. Once added, you can download the app on any Android device with NFCNear-Field Communications, a protocol used for data exchange between contactless cards and readers. More capabilities from the Google Play Store.